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Guidelines for submission:
What We Are Looking For:

Seems is an irregularly published literary magazine that accepts poetry, short stories, flash fiction, and short creative nonfiction pieces. The magazine seeks pieces that exhibit sensory imagery and inventive diction. Common themes tend to encompass natural elements and the human condition, but acceptance is not limited to these factors. Really, we are looking for work that makes us ruminate, makes us pause, makes us look past the literal to the substance beneath. Seems does not publish overtly political pieces or erotica. It accepts submissions all year at no cost; however, pieces submitted during summer months will not be read until fall. Usually, we take less than four months to respond, but sometimes it’s longer, especially if we have interest in all or any of the work submitted. Seems does not accept simultaneous submissions. In the past, we’ve accepted less than 2% of submissions. Payment of accepted work is through a copy of the issue in which a contributor’s work appears.  

  • 1-5 poems of virtually any length, including prose poems (single or double spaced)

  • 1  short story  or personal essay under 5,000 words or 2 flash fiction/nonfiction pieces under 1,000 words (double spaced)

  • Please attach each submission in a separate Word.doc (do not copy and paste your work in the body of the email)

  • Name, address, and email (and/or phone number) are necessary on first page of every piece

  • Cover letter, including biographical information

  • Send submissions to the or mail to W3718 South Dr. Plymouth, WI

  • Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for our reply (if sent via mail)


  • We do not read simultaneous submissions

  • We do not read handwritten submissions

  • Contributors are to provide work accepted and biographical notes electronically as Word.doc attachments


Notes to Consider:

  • Usually, we take four months to respond, but sometimes it's longer, especially if we have interest in all or any of the work submitted. 

  • We buy First North American Serial Rights and the option to use the work on our website for an unspecified length of time. Of course, if the work is reprinted in any fashion, we want credit for having been the first to publish it. 

  • Payment is through a copy of the issue in which a contributor's work appears. 

  • Response time is longer in the summer because we do not read from May-August. 

  • Publication of accepted manuscripts rarely occurs in less than a year. 

  • In the past, we've accepted less than 2% of submissions.

Old Books


A literary magazine since 1971.

Created by the SEEMS intern team. Created with

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